Ooooh yummy, I love Smarties (who doesn’t)! If you’re looking for a great gift idea for a sweet teacher, this one is perfect for you with a cute play on words to make anyone smile! So without delay, here’s how to make this Thanks For Making Me A Smartie Gift for a special teacher…
Thanks For Making Me A Smartie Gift
Prep Time: 10 minutes
What You’ll Need:
1 glass jar (with lid)
enough Smarties to fill the jar
ribbon (any color)
FREE printable provided below
Fill the glass jar with Smarties.
Tie the ribbon around the jar.
Print The Super Moms Club Thanks For Making Me A Smartie Gift Tag (PDF), cut it out, punch a hole in it and secure it to the ribbon. You can add the name tag too (if you aren’t giving a separate card with the gift) with your child’s name on it.
Voila… The perfect gift for a sweet teacher!
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