Number Bonds to 10 + FREE Worksheets

Number Bonds To 10 + FREE Worksheets -
© The Supermoms Club

Alrighty, it’s time to continue with number bonds to 10! If you’ve read my post on the introduction to number bonds to 5, you’ll be up to scratch with how this whole number bonds thing works. If you haven’t read that yet, you’ll definitely need to get up to speed with what number bonds are, how they work & how to teach them with ease! That post is loaded with info, so make sure you have a few minutes spare to read through it… it’s a lot to take in!

Now, let’s get straight into the fun part and continue with number bonds to 10 + free worksheets to make teaching them a breeze!

How to use these number bonds to 10 FREE worksheets

Print the number blocks

As with the previous post on number bonds to 5, these worksheets are designed to make use of the colour number blocks I’ve designed. They are almost like Cuisenaire rods, but made from paper.

You can print The Super Moms Club FREE Printable Number Bonds Blocks (PDF) on white cardboard, cut them out and then laminate each representational block to make them last a little longer. You can print a couple of copies (if you like) as they really do come in handy for these number bonds sums.

Each worksheet has a space provided on the top of the practice page where the colour number blocks can be used. When you child is starting to learn the number bonds of a particular number, the colour number blocks will really help in making sense of the number pairs that make up each number. Let them practice the sums using the colour number blocks, and once they have the hang of that, let them continue to complete the worksheet.

Print the number bonds FREE worksheets

For your convenience, I’ve included all the number bonds worksheets up to 10 in this post too. If you’ve already printed the worksheets up until 5, you can skip over them below!

As an extra freebie, I’ve also included this FREE Number Bonds 2-20 Printable which you can use as a teachers guide for yourself to verbally ask number bonds to your child. This is really the next step in teaching number bonds, where you move from the concrete (number bonds worksheets) to the abstract (verbal testing) when teaching/learning number bonds. You can use this aid once you feel confident that your child will be able to progress from the concrete to the abstract.

Remember always, have fun and make math as enjoyable as you can for your little one!



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